Modern methods of treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

The modern sedentary lifestyle is the reason why such a common disease as cervical osteochondrosis is actively getting younger. IT people, drivers and other representatives of "stuck" professions are increasingly complaining about it. According to doctors, even 17-year-old teenagers complain of cervical osteochondrosis. As a rule, these are the ones who actively use a smartphone.

The fact is that depending on the slope above the gadget, the human spine experiences a load of 12 to 27 kg. The more time a person spends in this position, the faster the intervertebral discs wear out, neck and back pain occur, and then osteochondrosis. Doctors strongly recommend that you start treatment as soon as the first symptoms appear, otherwise the consequences of neglecting your health may be irreversible.

What is this disease - cervical osteochondrosis?

The most mobile of all parts of the spine is the cervical spine. There are seven vertebrae that are connected by elastic intervertebral discs. Each disc has a fibrous annulus with a pulpal nucleus inside.

Metabolic disorder in it may indicate the appearance of osteochondrosis, in which the intervertebral disc loses its strength and elasticity. In the future, under the influence of loads, the fibrous ring protrudes, cracks appear on it.

The cervical region has many nerve channels and blood vessels that provide nourishment to the brain, and the vertebrae are tightly attached to each other. Thus, even moderate deformation of one of the vertebrae leads to compression of nerve structures and blood vessels.

What are the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis and what is their danger?

The first signs of the disease manifest themselves in the form of tension and tingling in the muscles of the neck, pain that can radiate to the nape of the neck, shoulders and arms. When cerebral circulation is disrupted due to osteochondrosis, migraines, vascular disease and hypertension occur. Also, the disease has a bad effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, general coordination, hearing and vision deteriorate.

If treatment is not started in time, cervical osteochondrosis can cause intervertebral protrusion, hernia and vertebral artery syndrome.

Diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis

Diagnosis and treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are performed by highly specialized specialists - orthopedic traumatologists and neurologists specializing in vertebrology. First of all, the doctor determines the severity of the symptoms of the disease. The possible causes of the occurrence are also determined - harmful working conditions, the patient's habits, the presence of injuries.

If necessary, the patient is recommended an additional examination:

  • The X-ray shows the degree of instability of the cervical vertebrae.
  • MRI can detect bulges, herniated discs and soft tissue conditions.
  • Ultrasound of the vessels of the head and cervical region (Doppler) is recommended in cerebrovascular accidents, migraine. This test allows you to determine the condition of the vertebral arteries, veins, as well as the presence of pathological curved and vascular loops. Ultrasound also allows you to see abnormalities in the patency of blood vessels. All these tests together allow you to see the overall picture of the condition of the cervical spine, to correctly diagnose and prescribe the most effective treatment and further rehabilitation to ensure long-term results.

Characteristics of the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

The treatment is aimed at improving the blood supply to the brain and tissues around the cervical spine, increasing the mobility of blocked segments of the cervical spine and reducing pain and myotonic syndrome.

Different methods are used to achieve these goals:

  • Massages in combination with light orthopedic corrections to improve blood flow in the cervical spine.
  • Short lever method for spine correction. This non-traumatic method allows you to effectively remove the functional blocks and restore the mobility of the segments.
  • Shock wave therapy to improve metabolic processes, renew cells and affected tissue areas and eliminate muscle spasms.
  • Carboxytherapy (therapeutic effect of carbon dioxide on the tissues of the spine and joints).
  • Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment (electrotherapy and magnetic therapy).
  • Drug treatment (blockades, multizonal and other injections) in combination with the above methods. Medications are used only in some cases to relieve acute conditions with myotonic (soft tissue edema) and pain syndrome.

Exercise for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

In the treatment of diseases, physiotherapy exercises are becoming increasingly popular. It is used not only in remission, but also as a prevention of cervical osteochondrosis. Exercise improves blood circulation, strengthens the muscular corset, removes restrictions on the mobility of the vertebrae, increases the range of motion and allows you to restore neuromuscular connections.

Effective results are achieved through therapy in the Finnish-German method of David, which is conducted at the Institute of Vertebrology and Rehabilitation. In the course of complex computer testing the vulnerability of the cervical spine, the muscular asymmetry in the cervical region, the predominance or lack of development of the muscular system are determined. Based on these indicators, the possible load is calculated and an individual training program of innovative medical simulators is formed. To treat and consolidate the result, a course of 24 sessions should be held twice a year. The results of simulator training are usually seen after 5-6 sessions.

Self-medication is not an option

Signs of cervical osteochondrosis are often ignored or treated on their own. Meanwhile, this can lead to serious complications. One is especially at risk in the case of self-medication or the use of traumatic manual techniques and physical manipulations, which not only do not cure, but can even worsen the disease. It is better to entrust the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis to qualified specialists who will choose for you gentle, modern and effective methods that exclude the possibility of injury to the affected cervical spine.